Компания descote рада сообщить Вам, что в июне 2016 г. она обновила сертификат РУСХЛОР для ручных, с приводом и регулирующих сильфонных клапанов серии 2100B.
Данный сертификат подтверждает знания и опыт компании descote в разработке и производстве клапанов для хлорной промышленности.
Серия клапанов 2100B используется в российском...
descote is proud to announce that its RUSCHLOR certification for manual, actuated and control bellows sealed globe valve - Serie 2100B - has been renewed in June 2016.
This certification confirms descote expertize in designing and manufacturing valves for the chlorine industry.
Serie 2100B valves have been installed and used in Russian...
Valves solutions for fluorine & derivatives applications are a center of excellence for descote.
Please come and meet our team, and find out more about bellows sealed globe valves for processes and unit using or producing fluorine chemicals,...
descote is taking part in the jubilee conference
Chlorine & its derivatives 2016 : best available Techniques
descote Russia will present a conference on Safety concern in Chlorine Transportation, presenting the state of the art on Valves for Liquid Chlorine Tank cars.
For more information, please contact descote at
The 4th china International Chlor Alkali conference has been a new opportunity for descote to demonstrate its EXPERTIZE as a valve solution provider for highly hazardous applications.
Our experts presented a technology conference on the safety analysis of liquid chlorine tank,and introduce descote valve solutions for...
Meet us on KHIMIA, MoscouOctober 27/30, 2015PAVILLON 2 Hall 1Booth 21E30A great opportunity to exchange on
• 40 years valve expertize on lethal applications• Our full range of manual, on-off and control bellows sealed globe valves• Our valve solutions on liquefied gas tank storage and transportation•...
Meet us Hall W1, Booth 963
Valves solutions for fluorine & derivatives applications are a center of excellence for descote.
Please come and meet our team, and find out more about bellows sealed globe valves for processes and unit using or producing fluorine chemicals, fluoropolymer, fluorine silicon...
Our ISO 9001 : 2008 certification has been renewed
descote Quality Management System is ISO approved since 1989.
Since 1992, and for 25 consecutive years,descote has been ISO 9001 approved, thus showing our commitment to continual improvement of working practices within the company.
This new...
Meet us on Nuclear Expertise from France Pavillon, booth 3F25 at the CIENPI With 40 years experience in the Nuclear industry descote has a real knowledge and understanding of radioactive fluids, UF6, SF6, ClF3, A-HF, D20, used fuel recycling, MOX...
Our team will be happy to present its extensive...
Meet us on our "French Café" booth J4-Hall 8 at the ACHEMA, FRANKFURT
Another great opportunity to deliver descote's message of expertize,promote our recent SIL 3 certification,demonstrate our Control Valves,talk about Fugitive Emissions or Seismic testing,and share a...